Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Election Was Rigged?

The following is my opinion: 

Was the 2020 Presidential Election Rigged to ensure the defeat of Donald Trump?

The short answer: NO.

If the short answer would suffice, the blog would end here. Its far more complex than that.

For the election to have been rigged, several factors would have to take place.

1. Votes would have to be cast illegally, or simply created out of thin air.

Some of the oldest allegations made over the course of American history concern the ones where people vote more than once, people vote after they die, votes were handed out to homeless people, illegal immigrants, etc etc. Was there some of this?  Probably. Was there enough of this to turn the election? No. 

As for those late ballots and absentee ballots lets just be totally honest and call out two states. Georgia and Pennsylvania. In PA, the state legislature set up the voting rules before 2020, and that legislature was a Republican majority. Did Democrats somehow persuade enough of the GOP to do their bidding? It was more like the GOP set the rules and all the Dem Governor had to do was sign the bill into law. So if the Dems managed to pull off that trick, then what they did in Georgia, with an all Republican state legislature and Republican Governor, is nothing short of a miracle. Obviously there was no conspiracy here.

There was a lack of transparency in both of those states. That's an irrefutable fact that the MSM clearly demonstrated when reporting on the recounts in both states. It doesn't mean that wrongdoing was done, but it does leave doubt about whether things were done right, and that factor alone is unacceptable when conducting an election. The lack of a federal standard for all states to follow when conducting elections for the highest offices in the land also creates doubt, too. That needs to change.

2. Voting machines would have to have been either pre-programmed to change certain results or ignore a set amount of votes for Trump

The biggest allegation was that the Canadian company that supplied voting machines to several states could be manipulated to change vote totals. Lets assume that's true. Doesn't it stand to reason that if those machines were so vulnerable they wouldn't have been used in the first place? And if they were that vulnerable and used and manipulated by the Democrats, then why wouldn't more technical savvy parties, such as Russian Intelligence, have broken into the machines themselves and changed the totals for their candidate of choice. In Russia's case they would have worked in Trump's favor.

3. Officials in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada would all have had to been organized ahead of time to conspire either as groups within the state or as a collective.

How would the Democrats have pulled this off, considering Georgia and Nevada are clearly Red States? In order for the steal to have been successful, the states' Governors, key members of the legislatures, etc would all have to have been in on the fix. There would have to be massive complicity with voting officials at polling places, both urban and rural. That many people, and many of them GOP and Trump supporters, willing to screw Trump out of the White House?

4. Judges on both state and Federal levels would have to have been in on the screw job too, and that includes a dozen or so Judges appointed to the bench by Trump, including three Supreme Court Justices.

Every single court challenge on both state and federal levels ultimately failed. The vast majority of the cases were dismissed faster than you can say "Joe Biden", and some of those by Trump appointees. At SCOTUS, none of the Trump appointed justices voted in Trump's favor. At all. One would assume with a 6-3 majority at SCOTUS, Trump should have been able to take every challenge he lost and have them all overturned by the high court, and if he didn't then the evil hateful spiteful Democrats must have gotten one over on them. Or maybe speculation, hearsay and conspiracy theories weren't convincing enough.

5. All of this and more orchestrated by a group of incompetent, over-emotional, Trump-hating Democrats who spent the majority of the last four years bitching, denying, and attempting to remove Trump by saying and doing whatever they could to bring him down, and failed miserably and embarrassingly each and every time.

Russia? Fail. Racist? Fail. Misogynist? Fail. Stormy Daniels? Fail. Ukraine? Fail. For almost 4 years the Democrats cried Foul by crying Wolf. The sad truth is that if the Democrats who wanted Trump gone really believed he was the horrible person they kept screaming he was, they would have calmed the fuck down and let Trump be Trump and waited patiently, and silently. Then, by the time he commits the bad act over Ukraine even the most moderate of Republican senators would have actually listened to the evidence, and there probably would have been more evidence presented, and that could have resulted in Trump's removal from office. Democratic leaders knew at least they would not get him removed and settled for staining his record with an Impeachment proceeding. They never did get over losing in 2016 did they? The anger remained. The hate sustained. But while they were being angry they were also being stupid.

So tell me how angry, stupid people could have orchestrated what would have to be the most complicated, elaborate, and impossible conspiracy of all time?

You can't. 

If you still believe the election was stolen, maybe you've become angry and stupid too.